Sunday, March 17, 2013

The Library

I love the library! I like the smell, the feel of books in my hands, the eclectic and diverse population of consumers, EVERYthing!
The library makes me feel inspired and motivated. The atmosphere shivers and tingles with an electric excitement to GO, DO, BE while trying to maintain the calm and quiet, dignified exterior required of you within those walls. The library has secrets. It is not boring.
I've been a friend of the library from a very young age. I was the kid of a librarian, spending hours of childhood between the stacks during business hours and beyond- the times after close were the best, a whole library all to myself! And my mom was not just a librarian, she was a Reference Librarian in the days before Google...the times when an expert was needed to assist you in finding the right resources to get that paper done, when you could pick up the old landline and call the reference desk with a question and they would find the answer and recommend other books on the topic. Reference Fairies were better than Google, I submit.
The modern library has done well integrating today's technology and embracing it. My local library has developed an excellent app to help us reinvest in using her. It's easy to download ebooks, place a hold on a book right from your mobile phone and have it delivered to any branch you'd like, or renew your checkouts right from your iPad. It really is incredible.
And it makes me love the old gal, one of my longest pals, even more.

Friday, March 8, 2013

My town

Friday is errand day with A if I stay up after my work night instead of sleeping the day and evening away.
One recent Friday was tattoo removal session day. We got to wear giant goggles to protect us from the laser beams. I got to see A grimace in pain. Unpleasant.
Next, we enjoyed lunch downtown from the gourmet hotdog food truck- Bravas.

From there we walked past the Courthouse and down to the tobacconist so A could enjoy a fine cigar while we waited for the repairs to be completed on our Jeep. (I have stuck with the e-cig and am doing well.) It's an interesting spot to sit a while and see the downtown clientele.

Fort Wayne really is a great city. You just have to work a little to find the sorts of activities you want to tap into.

All love,

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Bean's Breakfast Pies

I made bfast muffins this morning after work.

There was even a special runty one, made differently than the rest.

I am really enjoying this learning process. It's a thinking process as I consider food. Formerly I found food, and the time requirement needed to eat well, inconvenient. More recently I began appreciating it a bit too much. Balance is everything.
All love,