Saturday, May 25, 2013

Bathroom Remodel

The week my BIL died, we had water damage to our downstairs bathroom.
Our basement flooded sometime after. 
Last year, a tree fell on our house. 
All of these events brought projects. 
However, the past year after the tree has felt like a nonstop project to me. Now we are onto upgrades and improvements, instead of recovery efforts. 
Today I helped the mister with our master bath again. We've already done painting and new mirrors/light fixtures. Today was floor day. 
He's going to have to find a man friend to install the toilet at the end of this. He gets incredibly impatient with my weak body and mind. ;)
Today was fun!

Wet saw. Serious business. 

Do work, guuurl!

Not too shabby so far.

Sometimes I Agree to the Journey

...because I love to feel the Homecoming.

My husband taught me the art of traveling well. Not the act of moving from place to place; I'd done that on my own many times, in various modes...but the skill of mastering logistics- with the outcome of a more-appreciated venture- that I owe to him.
I pack lighter.
I tend toward local venues instead of chain places I'd feel more familiar in.
I walk around new ground and engage with the old man with the handlebar mustache.
I take photos of the wall in the restaurant.
Some things my husband will never break me of...Like unpacking all my stuff into drawers and onto hangers.
But I have new concepts even for that. I only unpack if the stay is for more than one night. ;)