Friday, March 20, 2015

Inherent Goodness

I'm relaxing at home this morning after a long work week. Suddenly, the garage door starts to spontaneously operate. Very random- up, half down, back up, all the way down, etc. I'm kind of creeped out and trying to decide if I should just disable it. I peek outside several times and don't see anyone but a little kid, kicking at the ground, waiting for the bus. Finally I get brave and head outside. A man walking 2 beautiful dogs waves and yells "hey!! I think this is yours!", and holds up the garage door opener we lost last week. Apparently he has been clicking it on all his dog walks lately, trying to find the right house. People are better than we think. Mostly. Thanks, awesome neighbor!! 😁
P.S. I even got to play with the pooches a little, which made it even more perfect.