Sunday, September 15, 2013

Slippers and Self-Care

When I graduated from nursing school, my cousin Paula gave me a pair of slippers as my gift. She is a very accomplished nurse herself. At first I didn't fully understand the significance of this gift. But I certainly do now. She provided me the gift of self-care, downtime, relaxation. I traded them out for my flip-flops on this first really cool, rainy Sunday of the season, and I relaxed the heck out in them.  Putting them back on always makes me feel happy. I've been teased about them in the past to the point that I just adopted them into the name "Floral Elfin Slippers". I know they're not stylish, but I couldn't care less. They're special, meaningful, sentimental, and good for my well- being. 
After a decade and a half, they're getting pretty worn. But I'll wear these puppies out till they're bare.